Threads Patient Care Instructions

Pre-Treatment Instructions

  • Keep in mind any events 4-6 weeks ahead as you may experience swelling and bruising.

  • Avoid dental work or vaccines 2 weeks prior to treatment.

  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements 2 weeks prior as they can increase bleeding and bruising, if approved by your primary care physician.

  • Avoid smoking and drinking one week prior to treatment to improve your recovery and results.

Post care instructions

  • You may use an ice pack as needed to reduce swelling

  • Use Acetaminophen as needed for discomfort.

  • Wash your face after 24 hours and use a gentle cleanser.

  • Wash your hair or take a shower after 24 hours from the procedure.

  • Sleeping - position yourself to minimize pressure on the treated areas.

Things to avoid

  • Avoid lying down either in a prone or side position within 4 hours after the procedure to decrease the possibility of the movements of threads. It is recommended that you sleep in a supine position for the next 3-5 days to prevent the movement of threads.

  • Avoid Aggressive or prolonged chewing, wide yawns, and big smiles for up to 1 month.

  • Avoid Headstands, yoga, strenuous workouts, and exaggerated facial expressions for about 2-3 weeks (avoid dental treatments during this time if possible).

  • Avoid Drinking or smoking for 1-2 weeks to prevent possible infection. Smoking and drinking can slow down the healing process.

  • Avoid deep facial massages for 2 months, but laser treatments may be done after one month from the lift threads and 6 months for smoothing/collagen

Post Treatment Symptoms

  • Some swelling, bruising, puckering/dimpling of the tissue, discomfort, tightness, limited range of motion of the treated area(s). These symptoms can last up to 2-3 weeks.

  • You may experience sensitivity/nerve sensations for up to 6-8 weeks after treatment.

Your next appointment

  • Please return to the clinic in 3 weeks for your follow up appointment and follow up photos.

When you should call us

  • If you begin to notice signs/symptoms of infection such as redness, worsening of swelling, increase in pain, fever, or drainage.