Microneedling Patient Care Instructions

Pre-Treatment Instructions

  • If you are prone to cold sores, be sure to let us know so that you may begin taking an antiviral prescription a day prior to treatment.

  • Stop using retinols or active skincare at least 3 days prior to treatment.

  • Avoid sun exposure at least 2 weeks prior to treatment.

Post care instructions

  • CLEAN-With clean hands, use a gentle cleanser with tepid water to cleanse your face twice daily

  • HYDRATE-Following your treatment, your skin may feel drier than normal. Use the skincare products given to you and use as instructed.

  • PROTECT-After 2 days use a chemical-free sun protection EVERYDAY, under makeup.

  • MAKEUP-Makeup may be resumed 4 days post treatment. Clean all makeup brushes and applicators prior to use on treated skin.

Things to avoid

  • Avoid retinol and Retin-A products for 5 days after treatment.

  • Do not expose your skin to the sun in the days leading up to your treatment.

  • DO NOT use any unapproved skincare products in the first 4 days.

  • NO tanning beds or sun exposure for at least 14 days.

  • NO swimming and saunas for at least 4 days post-treatment.

  • No exercising or strenuous activity for the first 4 days post-treatment.

Post Treatment Symptoms

  • Immediately after treatment, you will look and feel as though you have a moderate to severe sunburn and your skin will feel warm, stingy and tighter than usual. This is normal and will subside after 1 to 2 hours and will typically recover within the same day or 24 hours. You will note decreased generalized redness after 24 hours, with an appearance of “road rash” abrasions in minimal areas or spots.

  • Your practitioner will provide post-procedure skin care after the procedure to help soothe, calm and protect the skin. Continue usage for 4 days. Active skincare can be resumed again after day 4.

Your next appointment

  • Repeat treatment can be done after 6 weeks from prior treatment.

When you should call us

  • If you have a fever over 100.4°F (38°C), nausea, hives, yellow or green discharge