Botox & Dysport Patient Care Instructions

After Botox/Dysport is placed into the targeted muscles, the weakening effect gradually begins anywhere from 3-7 days and is not complete for 2 weeks. Therefore, optimal results are not seen for at least 2 weeks.

Pre-Treatment Instructions

  • Avoid drinking alcohol 24 hours before and after treatment.

  • Avoid taking blood thinners, if approved by your primary care physician, 1 week before treatment.

  • Do not use the above-stated if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, are allergic to any of its ingredients, or have a history of neurologic disorders.

  • Please do not pursue this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding***

Post Care Instructions

  • You may apply makeup 4 hours after treatment

  • You may resume regular skincare following your treatment

  • You may ice the areas for short periods of time if necessary.

Things to avoid

  • Avoid having a facial, rubbing or massaging the treated area for 24 hours after your treatment.

  • Avoid wearing hats or anything tight in the areas treated for 4 hours after treatment.

  • Avoid lying down for 4 hours after treatment.

  • Avoid exercise or strenuous activities until the following day

  • Avoid any exposure to a sauna, hot tub or tanning for four hours. This will prevent your blood pressure from rising and thus minimize the risk of bruising after treatment.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol 24 hours before and after treatment.

Post post-treatment symptoms

  • You may experience a headache. You may take Tylenol to help with this for pain relief.

  • Be assured that tiny bumps or marks will go away within a few hours after your treatment.

  • Any bruising may last up to one week.

Your next appointment

  • We recommend you wait the full 2 weeks before doing any touch ups. Touch ups are only treatable within the first 2-3 weeks.

  • Recommended treatment frequency is every 3-4 months for optimal results.

  • Results can last approximately 3 months at first. However, if you maintain your treatment appointments with the recommended frequency, the duration of results may last longer than 4 months.