Agnes Patient Care Instructions

Post care instructions

  • You can apply an ice pack 3-5 times per day, 3-5 minutes for each area for the next 3 days.

  • Cleanse the skin with a gentle cleanser or just water during the next 24 hours

  • Use skincare products that were provided to you for the next 24 hours.

Things to avoid

  • Avoid exercise or strenuous activities for 24 hours

  • Avoid direct sun exposure for 1 week

  • Avoid applying makeup for 24 hours after treatment (avoid dental treatments during this time if possible).

Post Treatment Symptoms

  • Bruising, swelling, and itchiness are normal symptoms after treatment, especially after

    treating the undereyes.

  • Agnes for Acne - Itching is normal. You may notice breakouts & swelling at the injection

    sites which is normal.

Your next appointment

  • Your follow up appointment should be 2 weeks after treatment.

  • Treatment can be repeated every 5-6 weeks or as directed by your provider.

When you should call us

  • Report to the office if you persist in feeling itchy, or find swelling, redness, bruises, or

    other medical conditions from the treated areas.